Ziqin asked Zigong, saying: Our teacher arrives at a state; invariably he hears its government. Does he request it? Or is it offered to him?
Zigong¹ answered: Our teacher is warm, refined, respectful, restrained, and yielding—in order to obtain it. Our teacher’s way of seeking—it’s entirely different from other’s way of seeking it, is it not?
Ziqin asked Zigong, saying: Our teacher arrives at a state; invariably he hears its government. Does he request it? Or is it offered to him?
Zigong¹ answered: Our teacher is warm, refined, respectful, restrained, and yielding—in order to obtain it. Our teacher’s way of seeking—it’s entirely different from other’s way of seeking it, is it not?
子禽問於子貢曰:夫子至於是邦也,必聞其政。求之與?抑與之與? 子貢曰:夫子:溫、良、恭、儉、讓,以得之。夫子之求之也,其諸異乎人之求之與?
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[currently under review]
Our teacher is warm, refined, respectful, restrained, and yielding—in order to obtain it. Our teacher’s way of seeking—it’s entirely different from other’s way of seeking it, is it not?
These five qualities are the eminent virtues possessed by our Teacher which shine brilliantly and connect with others.
“His way of seeking is entirely different” is a literary device. This says that our Teacher did not ever seek it, but his virtuous countenance is such that rulers of the time respect and trust him. On their own, they approach him with political affairs and ask him only. It is not like other people who must seek it and then obtain it.
The subtlety of the sage's passing transformative influence and preservation of spiritual force are not easily peered into and measured.² However, if observing our Teacher’s conduct, then his eminent virtue, reverent decorum, and lack of desire for the external can be seen. This is what learners ought to deeply contemplate and make an effort to emulate.
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Xie Liangzuo said: Learners who look into the impressive demeanor of the sages can advance their own virtue. For if Zigong can indeed be said to have observed the Sage well, he can also be said to have spoken well on virtuous conduct.
Today, fifteen hundred years removed from the Sage, we envision his presence with these five qualities, which still have the ability to inspire people. How much more so for those who were directly influenced by him?
Zhang Shi³ said: Our Teacher arrives at a state and invariably hears its government, and yet, there has not been one capable of entrusting their state and granting it with his governance. Presumably, those who see the model demeanor of the sage and delight in proclaiming it grasp universally recognized moral principles, with a good heart that likes virtue, and yet, private interests harm this, which is why they ultimately cannot employ him.