
Translated by Wing-tsit Chan

7.1  Master Kong said: I transmit but do not create. I believe in and love the ancients. I venture to compare myself to our old Peng.¹


7.2  Master Kong said: To remember silently [what I have learned], to learn untiringly, and to teach others without being wearied—that is just natural with me.


7.6  Master Kong said: Set your will on the Way. Have a firm grasp on virtue. Rely on humanity. Find recreation in the arts.


7.7  Master Kong said: There has never been anyone who came with as little a present as dried meat [for tuition] that I have refused to teach him something.


7.8  Master Kong said: I do not enlighten those who are not eager to learn, nor arouse those who are not anxious to give an explanation themselves. If I have presented one corner of the square and they cannot come back to me with the other three, I should not go over the points again.


7.16  Master Kong said: With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and with a bent arm for a pillow, there is still joy. Wealth and honor obtained through unrighteousness are but floating clouds to me.


7.17  Master Kong said: Give me a few more years so that I can devote fifty years to study [the Book of Changes²]. I may be free from great mistakes.


7.18  These were the things Master Kong often talked about—poetry, history, and the performance of the rules of propriety. All these were what he often talked about.


7.19  The Duke of She³ asked Zilu about Master Kong, and Zilu did not answer.

Kongzi said: Why didn’t you say that I am a person who forgets his food when engaged in vigorous pursuit of something, is so happy as to forget his worries, and is not aware that old age is coming on?


7.20  Master Kong said: I am not one who was born with knowledge; I love ancient [teaching] and earnestly seek it.


7.21  Master Kong never discussed strange phenomena, physical exploits, disorder, or spiritual beings.


7.23  Master Kong said: Heaven produced the virtue that is in me; what can Huan Tui⁴ do to me?


7.25  Master Kong taught four things: culture, conduct, loyalty, and faithfulness.


7.27  Master Kong fished with a line but not a net. While shooting he would not shoot a bird at rest.


7.28  Master Kong said: There are those who act without knowing [what is right]. But I am not one of them. To hear much and select what is good and follow it, to see much and remember it, is the second type of knowledge [next to innate knowledge].


7.30  Master Kong said: Is humanity far away? As soon as I want it, there it is right by me.


7.35  Master Kong was very ill. Zilu asked that prayer be offered.

Kongzi said: Is there such a thing?

Zilu replied: There is. A Eulogy says, “Pray to the spiritual beings above and below.”

Kongzi said: My prayer has been for a long time [that is, what counts is the life that one leads].


7.38  Master Kong is affable but dignified, austere but not harsh, polite but completely at ease.


¹ Old Peng 老彭: An official of the Shang dynasty (1751 – 1112 BC) who loved to recite old stories.

² The traditional interpretation of the word yi 易 (“change”) is the Book of Changes.

³ Duke of She 葉公: Magistrate of the district She in the state of Chu, who assumed the title of duke by usurpation.

⁴ Huan Tui 桓魋: A military officer in the state of Song who attempted to kill Kongzi by felling a tree. Kongzi was then 59 years old.