
Translated by Wing-tsit Chan

4.2.  Master Kong said: One who is not a man of humanity cannot endure adversity for long, nor can he enjoy prosperity for long. The man of humanity is naturally at ease with humanity. The man of wisdom cultivates humanity for its advantage.


4.3.  Master Kong said: Only the man of humanity knows how to love people and hate people.¹


4.4.  Master Kong said: If you set your mind on humanity, you will be free from evil.


4.5.  Master Kong said: Wealth and honor are what every man desires. But if they have been obtained in violation of moral principles, they must not be kept. Poverty and humble station are what every man dislikes. But if they can be avoided only in violation of moral principles, they must not be avoided. If a superior man departs from humanity, how can he fulfill that name? A superior man never abandons humanity even for the lapse of a single meal. In moments of haste, he acts according to it. In times of difficulty or confusion, he acts according to it.


4.6.  Master Kong said: I have never seen one who really loves humanity or one who really hates inhumanity. One who really loves humanity will not place anything above it. One who really hates inhumanity will practice humanity in such a way that inhumanity will have no chance to get at him. Is there any one who has devoted his strength to humanity for as long as a single day? I have not seen any one without sufficient strength to do so. Perhaps there is such a case, but I have never seen it.


4.8.  Master Kong said: In the morning, hear the Way; in the evening, die content!


4.10.  Master Kong said: A superior man in dealing with the world is not for anything or against anything. He follows righteousness as the standard.


4.11.  Master Kong said: The superior man thinks of virtue; the inferior man thinks of possessions. The superior man thinks of sanctions; the inferior man thinks of personal favors.


4.12.  Master Kong said: If one’s acts are motivated by profit, he will have many enemies.


4.15.  Master Kong said: Zeng, there is one thread that runs through my doctrines.

Zengzi said: Yes.

After Master Kong had left, the disciples asked him: What did he mean?

Zengzi replied: The Way of our Master is none other than conscientiousness (zhong 忠) and altruism (shu 恕).


4.16.  Master Kong said: The superior man understands righteousness (yi 義); the inferior man understands profit (li 利).


4.18.  Master Kong said: In serving his parents, a son may gently remonstrate with them. When he sees that they are not inclined to listen to him, he should resume an attitude of reverence and not abandon his effort to serve them. He may feel worried, but does not complain.


4.19.  Master Kong said: When his parents are alive, a son should not go far abroad; or if he does, he should let them know where he goes.


4.21.  Master Kong said: A son should always keep in mind the age of his parents. It is an occasion for joy [that they are enjoying long life] and also an occasion for anxiety [that another year is gone].


4.24.  Master Kong said: The superior man wants to be slow in word but diligent in action.


¹ See Great Learning, ch. 10, for an elaboration of the saying.