
Translated by Wing-tsit Chan

4B.3  Mengzi said to King Xuan of Qi: If a ruler regards his ministers as his hands and feet, then his ministers will regard him as their heart and mind. If a ruler regards his ministers as dogs and horses, his ministers will regard him as any other man. If a ruler regards his ministers as dirt and grass, his ministers will regard him as a bandit and an enemy.


4B.10  Mengzi said: Master Kong never did anything that went too far.


4B.11  Mengzi said: The great man does not insist that his words be necessarily truthful [at all times and under circumstances] or his actions be necessarily resolute. He acts only according to righteousness.


4B.12  Mengzi said: The great man is one who does not lose his [originally good] child’s heart.


4B.26 Mengzi said: All who talk about the nature of things need only [reason from] facts¹ [and principles will be clear]. The fundamental principle [of reasoning] from facts is to follow [their natural tendencies]. What I dislike in your wise men is their forced reasoning. If those wise men would only act as Yu² did when he diverted the water to the sea, there would be nothing to dislike in their wisdom. Yu diverted the waters as if he were acting without any special effort [for he followed the natural tendencies]. If wise men would act without any special effort [such as forced reasoning], their wisdom would also be great. Heaven is high and the stars are far away. But if we investigate the facts, we may go back to the solstice of a thousand years while we sit.


4B.28  Mengzi said: The reason why the superior man is different from other men is because of what he preserves in his mind. He preserves humanity and propriety. The man of humanity loves others. The man of propriety respects others. He who loves others is always loved by others, and he who respects others is always respected by them.

孟子曰:「君子所以異於人者,以其存心也。君子以仁存心,以禮存心。仁者愛人,有禮者敬人。愛人者人恆愛之,敬人者人恆敬之。 · · ·

4B.30  Mengzi said: There are five things which in common practice are considered unfilial. The first is laziness in the use of one’s body without attending to the support and care of one’s parents. The second is chess-playing and fondness for wine, without attending to the support and care of one’s parents. The third is love of things and money and being exclusively attached to one’s wife and children, without attending to the support and care of one’s parents. The fourth is following the desires of one’s ears and eyes, thus bringing his parents to disgrace. And the fifth is being fond of bravery, fighting, and quarreling, thus endangering one’s parents.

孟子曰:「世俗所謂不孝者五:惰其四支,不顧父母之養,一不孝也;博弈好飲酒,不顧父母之養,二不孝也;好貨財,私妻子,不顧父母之養,三不孝也;從耳目之欲,以為父母戮,四不孝也;好勇鬥很,以危父母,五不孝也。 · · ·

4B.32  Master Chu³ said: The king sends people to spy on you and see whether you are really different from others.

Mengzi said: How should I be different from others? Yao and Shun were the same as other men.


¹ The word gu 故 may mean reason, natural course, or what has happened, that is, facts.

² Yu the Great 大禹: Founder of the Xia dynasty (c.2200 – c.2100 BC).

³ A man of Qi.