lunyu 《論語》

The Lunyu (Discourses or Analects) is a collection of sayings by Master Kong (Confucius) and his pupils pertaining to his teachings and deeds. It was probably put together by some of his pupils and their pupils. The material is unsystematic, in a few cases repetitive, and in some cases historically inaccurate. However, it is generally accepted as the most authentic and reliable source of Confucian teachings. The following selections are made from this book.
— Wing-tsit Chan

1. Xue Er 學而

2. Wei Zheng 為政

3. Ba Yi 八佾

4. Li Ren 里仁

5. Gong Ye Chang 公冶長

6. Yong Ye 雍也

7. Shu Er 述而

8. Tai Bo 泰伯

9. Zi Han 子罕

10. Xiang Dang 鄉黨

11. Xian Jin 先進

12. Yan Yuan 先進

13. Zi Lu 子路

14. Xian Wen 憲問

15. Wei Ling Gong 衛靈公

16. Ji Shi 季氏

17. Yang Huo 陽貨

18. Wei Zi 微子

19. Zi Zhang 子張

20. Yao Yue 堯曰 (no selections)

Use the nav brackets at the top and bottom of each page《》to move forward and backward through the chapters.

The reference translation from “A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy” (1963) carries Public Domain Mark 1.0 Universal, free of known copyright restrictions. Copying, modification, and distribution are permitted. Respect to Professor Chan for making this available.