
Translated by Wing-tsit Chan

8.5  Zengzi said: Gifted with ability, yet asking those without ability; possessing much, yet asking those who possess little; having, yet seeming to have none; full, yet seeming vacuous; offended, yet not contesting—long ago I had a friend [Kongzi’s most virtuous pupil Yan Hui?] who devoted himself to these ways.


8.6  Zengzi said: A man who can be entrusted with an orphaned child, delegated with the authority over a whole state of one hundred li,¹ and whose integrity cannot be violated even in the face of a great emergency—is such a man a superior man? He is a superior man indeed!


8.7  Zengzi said: An officer must be great and strong. His burden is heavy and his course is long. He has taken humanity to be his own burden—is that not heavy? Only with death does his course stop—is that not long?


8.8  Master Kong said: Let a man be stimulated by poetry, established by the rules of propriety, and perfected by music.


8.9  Master Kong said: The common people may be made to follow it (the Way) but may not be made to understand it.


8.13 Master Kong said: Have sincere faith and love learning. Be not afraid to die for pursuing the good Way. Do not enter a tottering state nor stay in a chaotic one. When the Way prevails in the empire, then show yourself; when it does not prevail, then hide. When the Way prevails in your own state and you are poor and in a humble position, be ashamed of yourself. When the Way does not prevail in your state and you are wealthy and in an honorable position, be ashamed of yourself.


8.14  Master Kong said: A person not in a particular government position does not discuss its policies.


¹ About one-third of a mile.