Translated by Wing-tsit Chan
13. Master Kong said: The Way is not far from man. When a man pursues the Way and yet remains away from man, his course cannot be considered the Way. The Book of Odes says, “In hewing an axe handle, in hewing an axe handle, the pattern is not far off.”⁹ If we take an axe handle to hew another axe handle and look askance from the one to the other, we may still think the pattern is far away. Therefore the superior man governs men as men, in accordance with human nature, and as soon as they change [what is wrong], he stops. Conscientiousness (zhong 忠) and altruism (shu 恕) are not far from the Way. What you do not wish others to do to you, do not do to them.
There are four things in the Way of the superior man, none of which I have been able to do. To serve my father as I would expect my son to serve me: that I have not been able to do. To serve my ruler as I would expect my ministers to serve me: that I have not been able to do. To serve my elder brothers as I would expect my younger brothers to serve me: that I have not been able to do. To be the first to treat friends as I would expect them to treat me: that I have not been able to do.¹⁰
In practicing the ordinary virtues and in the exercise of care in ordinary conversation, when there is deficiency, the superior man never fails to make further effort, and when there is excess, never dares to go to the limit. His words correspond to his actions and his actions correspond to his words.¹¹ Isn’t the superior man earnest and genuine?
14. The superior man does what is proper to his position and does not want to go beyond this. If he is in a noble station, he does what is proper to a position of wealth and honorable station. If he is in a humble station, he does what is proper to a position of poverty and humble station. If he is in the midst of barbarian tribes, he does what is proper in the midst of barbarian tribes. In a position of difficulty and danger, he does what is proper to a position of difficulty and danger. He can find himself in no situation in which he is not at ease with himself.
In a high position he does not treat his inferiors with contempt. In a low position he does not court the favor of his superiors. He rectifies himself and seeks nothing from others, hence he has no complaint to make. He does not complain against Heaven above or blame men below.¹² Thus it is that the superior man lives peacefully and at ease and waits for his destiny (ming 命, Mandate of Heaven, fate),¹³ while the inferior man takes to dangerous courses and hopes for good luck. Master Kong said, “In archery we have something resembling the Way of the superior man. When the archer misses the center of the target, he turns around and seeks for the cause of failure within himself.”
15. The Way of the superior man may be compared to traveling to a distant place: one must start from the nearest point. It may be compared to ascending a height: one must start from below. The Book of Odes says, “Happy union with wife and children is like the music of lutes and harps. When brothers live in concord and at peace, the harmony is sweet and delightful. Let your family live in concord, and enjoy your wife and children.”¹⁴ Master Kong said, “How happy will parents be!”
16. Master Kong said: How abundant is the display of power of spiritual beings! We look for them but do not see them. We listen to them but do not hear them. They form the substance of all things and nothing can be without them. They cause all people in the world to fast and purify themselves and put on the richest dresses to perform sacrifices to them. Like the spread of overflowing water they seem to be above and to be on the left and the right. The Book of Odes says, “The coming of spiritual beings cannot be surmised. How much less can we get tired of them?”¹⁵ Such is the manifestation of the subtle. Such is the impossibility of hiding the real (cheng 誠).
17. Master Kong said: Shun was indeed greatly filial! In virtue he was a sage; in honor he was the Son of Heaven (Tianzi天子, emperor); and in wealth he owned all within the four seas (China). Temple sacrifices were made to him, and his descendants preserved the sacrifices to him.
Thus it is that he who possesses great virtue will certainly attain to corresponding position, to corresponding wealth, to corresponding fame, and to corresponding long life. For Heaven, in the production of things, is sure to be bountiful to them, according to their natural capacity. Hence the tree that is well taken care of is nourished and that which is about to fall is overthrown. The Book of Odes says, “The admirable, amiable prince displayed conspicuously his excellent virtue. He put his people and his officers in concord. And he received his emolument from Heaven. It protected him, assisted him, and appointed him king. And Heaven’s blessing came again and again.”¹⁶ Therefore he who possesses great virtue will surely receive the appointment of Heaven.
18. Master Kong said: King Wen was indeed the only one without sorrow! He had King Ji for father and King Wu¹⁷ for son. His father laid the foundation of [the great work of the Zhou dynasty] and his son carried it on. King Wu continued the enterprise of King Tai,¹⁸ King Ji, and King Wen. Once he buckled on his armor [and revolted against wicked King Zhou of Shang], the world came into his possession, and did not personally lose his great reputation throughout the empire. In honor he was the Son of Heaven, and in wealth he owned all within the four seas. Temple sacrifices were made to him, and his descendants preserved the sacrifices to him.
King Wu received Heaven’s Mandate to rule in his old age. Duke Zhou¹⁹ carried to completion the virtue of King Wen and King Wu. He honored Tai and Ji with the posthumous title of king. He sacrificed to the past reigning dukes of the house with imperial rites. These rites were extended to the feudal lords, great officers, officers, and the common people.
If the father was a great officer, and the son a minor officer, when the father died, he was buried with the rite of a great officer but afterward sacrificed to with the rite of a minor officer. If the father was a minor officer and the son was a great officer, then the father was buried with the rite of a minor officer but afterward sacrificed to with the rite of a great officer. The rule for one year of mourning for relatives was extended upward to include great officers, but the rule for three years of mourning was extended upward to include the Son of Heaven. In mourning for parents, there was no difference for the noble or the commoner. The practice was the same.
19. Master Kong said: King Wu and Duke Zhou were indeed eminently filial. Men of filial piety are those who skillfully carry out the wishes of their forefathers and skillfully carry forward their undertakings. In spring and autumn they repaired their ancestral temple, displayed their ancestral vessels and exhibited the ancestral robes, and presented the appropriate offerings of the season.
The ritual of the ancestral temple is in order to place the kindred on the left or on the right according to the order of descent. This order in rank meant to distinguish the more honorable or humbler stations. Services in the temple are arranged in order so as to give distinction to the worthy [according to their ability for those services]. In the pledging rite the inferiors present their cups to their superiors, so that people of humble stations may have something to do. In the concluding feast, honored places were given people with white hair, so as to follow the order of seniority.
To occupy places of their forefathers, to practice their rites, to perform their music, to reverence those whom they honored, to love those who were dear to them, to serve the dead as they were served while alive, and to serve the departed as they were served while still with us: this is the height of filial piety.
The ceremonies of sacrifices to Heaven and Earth are meant for the service of the Lord on High, and the ceremonies performed in the ancestral temple are meant for the service of ancestors. If one understands the ceremonies of the sacrifices to Heaven and Earth and the meaning of the grand sacrifice and the autumn sacrifice to ancestors, it would be as easy to govern a kingdom as to look at one’s palm.
⁹ Ode no. 158.
¹⁰ The golden rule is here positively stated, that is, to do to others what one expects others to do to him. There is no question about the positive character of the Confucian doctrine which is clearly stated in terms of conscientiousness and altruism (see Discourses 4.15).
¹¹ See Discourses, 2.18.
¹² A similar saying is found in Discourses, 14.35.
¹³ On the doctrine of waiting for destiny, see Mengzi 7A.1.
¹⁴ Ode no. 164.
¹⁵ Ode no. 256. ¹⁶ ode no. 249.
¹⁷ King Wen 文 (r. 1152 – 1050 BC) was the founder of the Zhou dynasty. King Wu 武 (d. 1043 BC) was his successor.
¹⁸ King Tai 周太王: father of King Ji 夏桀.
¹⁹ Duke Zhou 周公旦: King Wu’s brother (d. 1094 BC).