
Prelude: Introduction by the Emperor, Poem by the Emperor, Memorial to the Emperor, Notes to the Reader, Summary Review.

Sixty-Six Volumes:

  1. Learning, Part 1: Elementary Learning - General Discussion on the Method of Learning

  2. Learning, Part 2: Preserving Cultivation, Maintaining Seriousness, Quietude

  3. Learning, Part 3: Self-Examination - Knowledge and Action, Pursuing Knowledge

  4. Learning, Part 4: Diligent Practice - Self Improvement, Miscellaneous Discussions on Establishing Intentions, Dealing with Affairs, Reasoning Desires, Righteousness and Profit, Distinction between a Gentleman and a Petty Person

  5. Learning, Part 5: Teaching Others - Human Relationships, Teachers, and Friends

  6. Learning, Part 6: Reading Methods - Reading the Classics, Explaining the Classics, Reading History, Historical Studies

  7. The Great Learning - General Discussion, The Sacred Scriptures

  8. The Great Learning - The Ten Chapters

  9. The Great Learning - Discussion or Questions

  10. The Analects - General Discussion, Book One: Learning

  11. The Analects - Book Two: Governing

  12. The Analects - Book Three: Eight Rows, Book Four: Neighborhood Benevolence

  13. The Analects - Book Five: Gong Ye Chang

  14. The Analects - Book Six: Yong Ye

  15. The Analects - Book Seven: Shu Er, Book Eight: Tai Bo

  16. The Analects - Book Nine: Zi Han, Book Ten: Xiang Dang

  17. The Analects - Book Eleven: Xian Jin, Book Twelve: Yan Yuan

  18. The Analects - Book Thirteen: Zi Lu, Book Fourteen: Xian Wen, Book Fifteen: Wei Ling Gong

  19. The Analects - Book Sixteen: Ji Shi, Book Seventeen: Yang Huo, Book Eighteen: Gongsun Zi, Book Nineteen: Zi Zhang, Book Twenty: Yao Yue

  20. The Mengzi - General Discussion, King Hui of Liang, Gongsun Chou, Teng Wen Gong

  21. The Mengzi - Li Lou

  22. The Mengzi - Wan Zhang, Gao Zi

  23. The Mengzi - Jin Xin

  24. The Doctrine of the Mean - General Discussion, Chapter One

  25. The Doctrine of the Mean - Chapter Two to the Last Chapter

  26. Book of Changes - Outline, Part One

  27. Book of Changes - Outline, Part Two

  28. Book of Changes - Qian to Lu

  29. Book of Changes - Tai to Li

  30. Book of Changes - Xian to Wei Ji

  31. Book of Changes - Xi Ci, Part One

  32. Book of Changes - Xi Ci, Part Two, Shuo Gua, Xu Gua, Miscellaneous Gua

  33. The Book of Documents - Outline, Yu Shu, Xia Shu

  34. The Book of Documents - Shang Shu, Zhou Shu

  35. The Book of Odes - Outline, Three Hundred Poems

  36. The Spring and Autumn Annals - Outline, Classics and Commentaries

  37. The Book of Rites - Yi Li, Zhou Li, Xiao Dai Li, Da Dai Li

  38. The Book of Rites - Discussion and Examination of the Outline of Rites, Marriage, Funerals

  39. The Book of Rites - Sacrifices

  40. The Book of Rites - Miscellaneous Rituals

  41. Music

  42. The Study of Human Nature - Nature and Life, Human Nature

  43. The Study of Human Nature - Temperament and Life, Talent

  44. The Study of Human Nature - The Heart

  45. The Study of Human Nature - Heart, Nature, Emotions, Determining Nature, Emotions and Intentions, Ambition, Thoughts and Considerations

  46. The Study of Human Nature - The Way, Principles, Virtue

  47. The Study of Human Nature - Benevolence

  48. The Study of Human Nature - Benevolence and Righteousness, Benevolence, Righteousness, Rites, Wisdom, Benevolence, Righteousness, Rites, Wisdom, Trust, Sincerity, Loyalty, Trust, Loyalty, Reciprocity, Respect, and Reverence

  49. The Study of Principles and Energy - General Discussion, Taiji, Heaven and Earth, Yin and Yang, Five Elements, Seasonal Regulations

  50. The Study of Principles and Energy - Astronomy, Celestial Measurements, Attached Geography, Tides, Thunder, Lightning, Wind, Rain, Snow, Hail, Frost, Dew

  51. The Study of Spirits - General Discussion, Discussion on Humans, Ghosts, and Gods, Discussion on Sacrifices, Ancestors, Spirits, Miscellaneous Discussions on Sacrifices, Ghosts, and Gods

  52. The Lineage of Dao - Sages, Confucians, General Discussion, Confucius, Yan Hui, Zeng Zi, Si Meng, Confucius' Disciples, Zhou Zi

  53. The Lineage of Dao - Cheng Zi, Zhang Zi, Shao Zi

  54. The Lineage of Dao - Cheng Zi's Disciples, Yang Shi's Disciples, Luo Shi's Disciples, Hu Shi's Disciples

  55. The Lineage of Dao - Discussion on Personal Learning Methods, Discussion on Personal Writings

  56. The Lineage of Dao - Personal Writings and Prefaces

  57. The Lineage of Dao - Instructing Disciples

  58. Various Masters - Laozi, Liezi, Zhuangzi, Mozi, Guanzi, Kong Congzi, Zi Hua, Attached Shen Han, Xunzi, Dongzi, Yangzi, Wen Zhongzi, Hanzi, Ouyangzi

  59. Various Masters - Su Shi, Wang Shi, Lu Bo Gong, Chen Jun Ju, Chen Tong Fu

  60. Various Masters - Lu Shi, Shi Shi, Attached

  61. Historical Records - Tang, Yu, Three Dynasties, Spring and Autumn, Warring States, Qin, Western Han, Eastern Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin, Tang, Five Dynasties

  62. Historical Records - Song

  63. The Art of Governing - General Discussion, Kings and Dukes, Feudal System, Discussion on Officials, Employing People

  64. The Art of Governing - Finance, Relief, Education, Civil Service Examinations, Discussion on Military, Discussion on Punishments, Remonstrance, and Disputes, Propitious and Inauspicious Events

  65. The Art of Writing - Discussion on Poetry, Calligraphy, Civil Service Examinations, Discussion on Medicine, Attached

  66. Poetry - Fu, Ci, Qin Melodies, Ancient Poetry, Regulated Poetry, Quatrains, Yuefu, Praise, Admonitions, Inscriptions

Source: the “Complete Works of Zhu Xi,” Qing Dynasty imperial compilation. From Zhejiang University Library, scanned by China-America Digital Academic Library (CADAL). Digitized Chinese text is available at the Chinese Text Project at the links below:

Introduction materials 1-6:
Imperial Introduction, Imperial Poetry, Memorial, Notes to the Reader, Summary Review, Contents

Note: these are "paraphrase-translations" using GPT-4. The AI has been trained, the results spot-checked, and corrections made iteratively through numerous versions. Nevertheless, these should be considered no more than approximate representations of the content.